Hi! My name is Varvara
I'm an English teacher, teacher trainer & coach. My main goal is to promote teacher well-being and create a healthy ecosystem to support teacher professional development.
Since I was a 5th year student, I was working in a gymnasium, where I used to study myself, and at first I was happy to teach students of different ages, with a workload of 32 lessons a week. However, after 2,5 years I quit and spent 4,5 years in a technical university, at the Department of Foreign Languages, balancing it with graduate school. At that point, it was clear to me that any teacher has to be a lifelong learner, so I made the strategic decision to get Cambridge Delta certificate. It was an amazing (and difficult) time of communication with teachers from different countries, deep immersion in methodology, developing skills of working online and with groups.
It was during Delta that I realized how effectively it could be to grow in a group of like-minded people. The completion of postgraduate studies and the defense of a PhD thesis in pedagogy gave me the right to work with teachers and I decided to take Train the Trainer course in order to do it systematically and wisely.
Remember about relying on your own strengths? I invested a lot in developing myself as a teacher and teacher trainer, and at the beginning of 2023 I delved into administrative issues and took the Director of Studies course from the International House Online Teacher Trainer Institute in order to become a more effective manager in my online teacher community.
Now my focus is on improving my communication skills, active listening and non-directive support of teachers - since April 2023 I have been studying coaching and I'm going to continue my training. Of course, I also teach English because I'm not a home-grown mentor of mentors ;)
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